Creating a wedding – like creating a world of dreams for the bride. Silk and velvet, color and texture, flickering stars and sparkling sparkles. All this is not an illusion that we see on huge screens over the stage or in cinemas. This is a real fairy tale, it
can be touched, you can find it out, you can inhale it. She is alive, she is your.
Once I received an unusual order for a wedding: to withstand everything in black, even a wedding bouquet and outfits of guests. Only the bride’s dress is white. The Gothic task was for me non -standard. But therefore, especially interesting: how, having only one color in the arsenal, and the second holding in the mind, make the decoration of an unforgettable?
Each time, receiving a TK from a client, I decide a rebus. Even if at first glance the wishes seem ordinary: “We want champagne”, “only a white classic”, “something in the style of Provence”, “Best Haytek” … Menu of wishes, on the one hand, predictably-there are always baroque supporters with velvetand gold or those who dream of a crystal shoe, as in a fairy tale about Cinderella. And still every time I write a fairy tale for a new princess from a clean sheet.
Do I like what her characters choose? Yes, I follow their choice, although I have my own preferences. And I know among my colleagues those who are trying to “instill taste” to their customers, to lead them along. I think this is not only wrong, but also dangerous.
Every bride has already come up with her fairy tale, and I feel like a wizard who should help her recreate this image in reality. After all, the wedding style is, as a rule, an order for a bride. If I can convince her that my vision is better, she will believe my professional taste, but will be satisfied with?
Already at the first meeting, when I see the eyes of the bride, I listen to her story, it becomes clear what kind of dream we will realize this time. And every time this is a special story, even if it is again “champagne” or “white classics”. How there are no identical fates, so there are no identical wedding plots for me. And in this unpredictability the main charm of my work.
Even the same color is different – hard, soft, cold and hot. Fabric: black silk differs from velvet and in appearance and to the touch. Glass: whether the glasses will be matte or transparent, smooth – or their sharp edges will crumble black sparks? And the snow -white bride shines even more dazzling among all the shades of black.
Design of weddings allows me to embody the most fantastic creative ideas. After all, technologies inevitably close the manual work of the artist. Large screens come to the place of welded or foam shapes. And my task at a television show or concert is to assemble a designer from them, adding light and color.
But the wedding is an event that has retained its pristine naturalness. It is impossible to leave rude seams here or create an optical illusion, as in the space of the concert hall or television studio, where we see the scene from afar. In our wedding performance there is a lot of tactfulness – guests can feel my fairy tale with hands, and the selection of materials helps the newlyweds and guests live another life in one day. Everything is fake, but the real. “This is what I dreamed about!»When I hear such words, I feel like a wizard. And that means – the fairy tale was a success!